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top most cardiac doctors in bangaloreCholesterol complications typically arise when there are imbalances in cholesterol levels in the blood, particularly with high levels of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or low levels of HDL (high-density lipoprote

cardiac health checkup near meA cardiac health check-up offers numerous benefits, especially for those at risk of heart disease or individuals looking to maintain optimal heart health. Here are some key benefits:1. Early Detection of Heart Probl

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heart doctors in yelahankaCardiac arrest is a sudden loss of heart function, leading to a stop in effective blood flow to the body. It is a medical emergency and can result in death if not treated immediately. Here's a brief overview:Causes:Hear

Best Cardiac Doctor In Bangalore The main cause of cardiogenic shock is a heart attack, which is a complication of coronary heart disease. You can lower your risk of cardiogenic shock by taking steps to prevent a heart attack or other heart proble

best cardiac doctors in yelahankaTypes of Angina:Stable Angina: Predictable and occurs with exertion or stress; relieved by rest or medication.Unstable Angina: Unexpected, occurs at rest or with minimal exertion, and may be more severe; a medical

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If a blood clot narrows one or more of the arteries leading to the heart, muscle pain known as angina can occur. If a blood clot blocks the arteries leading to part of the heart muscle, it will cause a heart attack. If it blocks an artery in the brai
